The mandate of Ecological Protection Forum (EPF) is to preserve the natural gifts of the Himalaya. We believe this action will have a very positive affect on the development and quality of all life forms. We have learned a valuable lesson from many well-developed countries that is that the cost of modern life can place a huge demand on mother nature. We must, therefore, keep this lesson in mind whenever development of natural resources is being considered or when proposing community development in an effort to achieve a better standard of living for the people of Nepal.
Our Vision
To enhance the quality of life for disadvantaged rural people in Nepal through the provision of equal access to:
² Primary Education and Vocational Training
² Basic Health Care & Sanitation Facility
² Road & Bridge Construction for Community Development
² Agricultural & Economic Development Through the Practices of Ecological Concepts
Our Mission Statement
Target Group: Remote-Villages, Destitute and marginalized Ethnic Groups & Other Disadvantaged People
First Priority: Children And Women
² Initiating cooperative networking between international and local people with
humanitarian based service
² Providing educational sponsorship for disadvantaged children to enable them to
complete their primary education and encourage families to educate their daughters,
as well as their sons.
² Establishing projects with sustainable goals
² Facilitating consultancy and financial aid that will provide basic medical care to the
target group and education regard to the principles of hygiene and sanitation that will reduce/prevent the recurrence of common, avoidable health problems among rural people.
² Developing an awareness of the importance of protecting the environment
(clean water, productive land, healthy forests, clean air and etc.) through the implementation of safe, ecological practices in our communities.
Our Targets & Goals
EPF Nepal works for the welfare of Nepali people who are in need.
The specific goals and targets are as follows:
· Provide Humanitarian Based Service.
· Provide Education for Disadvantaged Children and Women
· Facilitate Consultancy & Financial Aids for Medical Care and Education
· Develop Awareness for Ecological Protection
· Improve Eco Tourism for Economic Development
· Provide Integrated Services to Community Development
Founding Board Member of EPF Nepal
1 |
Founder Chairman |
Mr. Ramesh Prasad Dhamala |
2 |
Vice Chairman |
Mr. Khom Prasad Simkhada |
3 |
General Secretary |
Mr. Som Bahadur Gurung |
4 |
Treasurer |
Mr. Rakesh Dhamala |
5 |
General Member |
Mr. Pradip Gurung |
6 |
General Member |
Mr. Bhagawan Kumal |
7 |
General Member |
Mr. Thakur Simkhada |