Many Thanks for the support and love from the donors who provide relief materials for the victims of Dhading after the earthquake on 25 April, 2015.
· CGI Sheet distribution at Kirakhor, Sankosh, Dhading
Carisimoe.V Germany donated CGI sheet to the people of Kirakhor, Sankosh ,Dhading. The people who were victimized by the earthquake got the relief materials. This program is under Tamang project of EPF Nepal. Carisimoe.V. Germany distributed CGI Sheet to 102 households. Each house got two bundles of CGI sheet.
· Katunje Distribution, 3 May 2015
On May 3, 2015, The Promise, Medi Peace, Child Fund with the coordination of EPF Nepal distributed 1 Pack of rice, 1 kg of salt and 1kg of Daal per household of all people of Katunje VDC. There were altogether 350 households who got the relief materials.
· Baseri Distribution, 6 May 2015
On 6 May 2015, the international organizations: The Promise, Child Fund and Medi Peace provided the food materials in Baseri VDC. 200 bags of rice, 1000 Kg salt and 500 liters oil were distributed to the people of Baseri VDC of Dhading District. People were happy and expressed their gratefulness to the donors.
· Budhathum Distribution, 7 May 2015
EPF Nepal with the financial support of the Promise, Child Fund and Medi Peace distributed 350 bags of rice; 1000 kg of salt, 350 liters of oil in Budhathum VDC of Dhading district. Most of the people had destroyed homes and food materials due to devastating earthquake.
In Khalte VDC, 330 bags of rice, 330 liters oil , 330 KGs of salt were distributed. Each household got one bag of rice, 1 KG of salt and 1 liter of oil. The support was provided by Sherpa Foundation. EPF Nepal cooperated for the management and distribution of the relief materials.
People from Jyamrung ward no 5 got earthquake relief materials which was distributed by Ecological Protection Forum Nepal. The people of 50 households got the relief material rice. Each house got 1 bag of rice. Mr. Ramesh Damala, founder chairperson of EPF Nepal distributed the rice to the people of Jyamrung.
· REE Refugee, 10/14 May 2015
People of Ree VDC could not stay in their own place due to earthquake and shifted to Dhading Besi Dhading. They set up camp and settled there because of devastating earthquake. They lost everything in their place. The land is also cracked so that they could not make temporary shelter in their place. As a result, they compelled to leave their place and shifted to DhadingBesi and they have stayed there as Refugees. They are altogether 40 households there in the camp.
The Promise, Child Fund and Medi Peace supported to those people providing 40 bags of rice, 40 KGs of salt, 40 liters of oil, 40 Kgs of garlic and onion, 40 Kgs of potato respectively. Moreover, the organizations supported kitchen utensils, blankets, clothes, mosquito nets on May 14 2015. Each family got one bag of rice, a KG of salt, one liter of oil, one KG of onion of garlic, one set of kitchen utensils, a pair of mosquito nets and 2 blankets.
EPF Nepal distributed 350 blankets and clothes to the people of Bhankharka, Sankosh. The support was provided by Taiwan Landseed Foundation. The name list was prepared with the help of social workers. Then, Founder chair person of EPF Nepal Mr. Ramesh Dhamala and the chairperson of EPF Nepal Mr. Rakesh Dhamala handed over the a pair of clothes and one blanket to each family. Senior Children from CFO Nepal, Bimal Pathak, Hom Gurung, Ramhari Giri, Ravi Bhatta, and other local social workers had assisted at the distribution program. The program was in peaceful environment and the people praised the volunteers and EPF Nepal for the relief materials.
The people of 145 households from Rijalthok Neelkantha Dhading got earthquake relief from EPF Nepal. Each house got 1 bag of Rice, 1 Kg of Salt, and 1 liter of oil.
EPF Nepal with the support of Anjali Tamang and her team distributed 115 Bags of rice, 115 kgs of salt and 115 liters of oil to the people of 1 and 2 wards of Katunje VDC Dhading. All families have lost homes and shelter because of the devastation of earthquake.
The magnitude 7.8 earthquake on 25th April and yet again on 12th May caused significant devastation nationwide. It severely impacted many districts. 14 districts are severely affected by earthquake which is declared as “Crisis Reasons” from the government. In Dhading, total 587 Public schools were affected by earthquake, 3000 classrooms were damaged. Upon the beginning of monsoon season, schools have no sufficient safe classrooms to reopen. EPF is focus on providing construction materials for schools to make more than 300 rooms for Temporary learning cernters and 38 Semi-Permanant Learning Centers are on going in Ree VDC.
There was the urgency of TLC buildings to run schools. For the support of the learning centres, The Promise, Child Fund, icoop and Medi Peace from South Korea contributed a lot for the construction of temporary learning centers of different schools of different VDCs of Dhading district.
The supported schools are; Sankosh Higher Secondary School- 4 rooms, Panchkanya Secondary School- 4 rooms, Pateni Lower Secondary School- 4 rooms, Manakamana Secondary School Khalte- 4 rooms, Tripura Higher Secondary School Salyankot-4 rooms, ThaniChandi Primary School- 2 rooms and Chandeswary Lower Secondary School Jyamrung- 2 rooms, Sthanpati Secondary School- 2 rooms , Janajyoti Lower Secondary School- 4 rooms, Simalgairi Lower Secondary School- 4 rooms, Chautara Secondary School Semjong- 4 rooms, Kundala Devi Higher Secondary School- 4 rooms and so on schools.
Tarpaulin Donation from Taiwan to public schools in Dhading by Monica Lin, Chief Advisor of EPF.
Tarpaulin Donation from Taiwan to public schools in Dhading by Monica Lin, Chief Advisor of EPF.
International consultant and advisor of EPF Nepal Monica Lin from Taiwan donated Tarpaulin to the schools of Dhading district. The distribution of the program was conducted with the coordination of Nepal Teachers Union Dhading and the program was organized by EPf Nepal. The Tarpaulins were distributed in all schools from constituent election area no 2 and most of the schools from constituent election area no 1 of Dhading district.
Almost all schools of Dhading district have collapsed due to the devastating earthquake. Many schools do not have classrooms and buildings. As a result, many schools were unable to run classes because of lack of classrooms. On the process of helping hands from different organizations in Nepal, I-KuanTao Association, Taiwan and I-KuanTao Association, Combodia contributed to the schools of Dhading district for the construction of temporary learning centres.
I-Kuan Tao Association, Taiwan contributed financial support for 62 rooms of 21 schools. Similarly, I-Kuan Tao Association, Combodia supported for 29 rooms of 11 schools of Dhading district. EPF Nepal expresses its appreciation for the support of TLC construction.
Dharma Drum Mountain Foundation TAIWAN supported 100 rooms of 33 schools. The support has provided to the schools which were severely affected by the devastating earthquake.
I-KuanTao Association, Taiwan supported Semi-Permanent Learning Centers of different schools of Dhading district in Nepal. It supported temporary learning Centers which are going to complete soon. Further, I-KuanTao Association, Taiwan has supported 8 schools of Ree VDC of Dhading district. The transportation for necessary materials will be supported from WFP through TAAN to EPF Nepal. The materials should transport from Dhading Besi to Ree VDC.